The Most Famous Dishes of Ottoman Cuisine

There is an increasing interest in Ottoman cuisine, which extends from the past to the present and creates a festive effect on the palate with its delicious recipes. The Ottoman palace cuisine, which carries the influences of many cultures and civilizations, contains delicious recipes. Today, there are some special places for maintaining and keeping these recipes alive. The most famous dishes of Ottoman cuisine are included on the menu in these places. The effects of palace culture on Anatolian cuisine are also indisputable. It is the etiquette of the table that every dish cooked is fresh and attentive. At the same time, each dish has its own unique story.

The most famous dishes of Ottoman cuisine can be listed as follows;
  • Sehzade Kebab,
  • Mumbar,
  • Circassian chicken,
  • Fodula,
  • Mutancana,
  • Rice Stuffed Vine Leaves with Sour Cherry,
  • Mahmudiye,
  • Stuffed quince,
  • Mıhlama,
  • Sour chicken,
  • Zerde,
  • Palude,
  • Dried fruit pulp.
Meat, chicken, nuts, and sweet flavors are used together in this kitchen, which usually has an arrangement where many dishes are served together. The balance of sour, sweet and salty was the golden rule used in almost all dishes.

Culinary Culture in the Ottoman Period

In addition to the existence of very delicious dishes in the Ottoman cuisine, there were some kings that the cuisine had to comply with. The kitchens in the palace differed according to the section where the food was to be cooked. The sections where the meals of sultans, harems, and employees were cooked were different from each other. Ottoman cuisine’s most famous dishes were also cooked for long hours in these kitchens. Apart from the main course sections, dough masters, vegetable masters, meat masters, and dessert masters also had separate duties. A large kitchen team was serving in the palace for long hours. There were also some strict rules according to table manners. At the beginning of these rules, talking and dealing with something else from the moment the service to the table started was considered disrespectful. The host was expected to start the meal, and the meals were not completely finished. The table and food were respected.
Among the most famous dishes of Ottoman cuisine, there are dishes made with meat. In addition, chicken meat was generally preferred in hot weather. Fish consumption was very low in Ottoman culture. Only from time to time, do some sultans prefer seafood on the table. Usually, meat dishes were cooked with lard or butter and were considered to be medicinal. In addition, olive oil and other vegetable oils, which are frequently used today, were also oils that were generally used for therapeutic purposes. In meat dishes; mutton, lamb, beef, and goose meat were frequently preferred. Plums or pomegranates were used to add a tart flavor to the dishes. Peanuts and currants were added to increase the flavor of the dish and make it more beneficial.

Ottoman Restaurants in Sultanahmet

Sultanahmet, which is considered the heart of Istanbul and where you can find all the flavors of old Istanbul together, contains many historical heritages. You can visit Deraliye Restaurant, which is located close to Hagia Sophia Mosque, Sultanahmet Square, Basilica Cistern, Blue Mosque, and where you can taste the most famous dishes of Ottoman cuisine.
You can experience the most famous dishes, appetizers, and drinks of Ottoman Palace cuisine. You can enjoy Istanbul in an environment where you will feel like you are in a palace, not only with its menu but also with the design and atmosphere of the place. Stuffed melon, goose kebab, lamb neck with plum, stuffed quince, levzine, cabbage rolls, muammara, mutabbal, honey pastry, lamb tandoori, mutancana, duck stew, arefe meatballs, stuffed eggplant, nırbaç palace cuisine is just some of the dishes. You can reserve your place by making a reservation to try delicious Ottoman cuisine recipes at Deraliye Restaurant.

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